Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hello everyone.

Just a short post today to deliver a status report.

Recently, I mentioned I had a dragon BDSM story that I finished and was supposed to be coming out soon. Well, I was struck with inspiration, and instead of spending time editing that story, I've spent the last three days working on another story. So soon I will be working on editing a dragon BDSM story, and the second story.

This second story features a young female college student (like myself), who has a steamy encounter with a Weretiger. A person that can turn into a tiger at will. I'm still working on some of the details of this story, but as of now, the first draft is finished.

I will start editing the dragon BDSM title soon. But right now, I need to take a little break. Since September 1st, I've done nothing but write, deal with family problems, deal with love troubles, deal with friends, deal with losing my job (yay corporate downsizing!), and college on top of all that.

So, its been a little hectic and there hasn't been a day where I haven't had something "work" related happen in my life since then. So I thought I should take at least a day or two off.

I hope you are all doing well.

Smile and Stay Sexy


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Titles of My New Stories

Hello everyone! This is just an update post to tell you that my new stories have been published to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo.

Two of my new titles, in which I venture into the Big Beautiful Woman genre of erotica, are called Billionaires do it Big and Interview with the Billionaire. Here are the links to each of these stories.

Billionaires do it Big


Barnes and Noble


Interview with the Billionaire


Barnes and Noble


My third new title is treading back into the familiar territory of werewolf sex. It's called I was Fucked by a Teenage Werewolf, and can be found at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo. The links to each can be found below.

I was Fucked by a Teenage Werewolf


Barnes and Noble


Thank you all for reading! Also, look for my newest title, a Dragon Sex BDSM title that should be appearing in a few days.

Remember to smile and stay sexy!


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Three New Titles and a Fourth on the Way

Wow, it has been forever since I have made a post. For those of you that missed me, I'm very sorry. I have had several problems happen in my family that I had to attend to. I don't really want to talk about the things that are going on, because they are really sad and I don't want sympathy for them. Things are really bad for me right now, but I know that there are lots of folks out there that have a harder time than I do. If they can soldier on with the burdens they carry, so can I.

My writing has been slow this month because of that, however I still have managed to do some writing. I have three new stories coming out soon. One is a werewolf sex story, and two are in a genre that I have always wanted to try, Big Beautiful Woman erotica.

For those of you wondering when I'm going to do another dragon title, wonder no longer. My next title is a story that contains a blend of two kinks that I've always been fascinated with, dragons and BDSM. I decided to combine them into one story to see how it would come out.

For those that are keeping up with this blog, thank you very much. I will make another post soon when my books have published.

Take care. Smile and remember to stay sexy!
